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September 11, 2006



Beatiful tribute, Beth, in memory of a very difficult day. I am so glad that you, Brian, and your family in the military were out of harm's way five years ago. Funny, I was also worried about the Sears' Tower on that day too. I went up to the observation deck for the first time in 2000 while traveling by myself on business. I distinctly remember looking up the Sears Tower website to check on it 5 yrs ago. The verse of America the Beautiful that you mention is extremely touching. I'm glad you posted the lyrics.


Very well written. I guess I was just in shock that day and had a hard time believing it was real.

Sara T

I'm right there with you. I still feel such strong feelings on that day...in fact any time anyone mentions that day. I can't even fathom making plans on that day. I still cry at the mention of it. I was at work on the day. I remember I was working in Client Services then and the guy that sat across from me always told me what was going on in the news. I remember like it just happened...Sara, you won't believe this, a plane just hit the World Trade Center. I remember thinking those poor people in the plane...but really didn't think too much of the building..cause I thought it was a small plane and that basically the building was indestructable. I then remember the phones going dead...no one was calling to find out their balances...everyone was paying attention to the news. Then another plane hit. I watched everything on CNN.com. I must have hit refresh a thousand times. We all just huddled around each other, crying and talking. I ended up having to work the whole day since the market didn't close. I did go straight to the blood bank after work with my sister and gave blood. I had to do something. It was the busiest I had ever seen the blood bank. I was so proud to stand next to all my fellow Americans who wanted to help save people they had never met. Sure I was all the way in Florida...but you just never know and I wasn't going to give it a chance in case they needed it.

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