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November 27, 2006


amy f.

Oh my gosh, Beth...what an AWFUL couple of weeks for you. I can't get over all of the complications you're having with these blood pressure medications. The issues you're describing sound so scary and painful! I can see where you're at right now with taking the original medication again and dealing with the smaller headaches, but it sucks....I wish there was a guarantee that you could immediately find the right medication for you!I understand how you feel about being out all that money for co-pays...really has to hurt this time of year. $100 co-pay?? Holy crap!I'm glad that you're generally feeling better right now. I am thinking of you! Maybe you should wait until after the holidays to really tackle the trial-and-error of this? I don't know though...I'm not in your situation! Thank you for updating us (by the way, at this point, I am feeling tons better than last night, just not 100% yet. Thanks for your concern, but YOUR health issues are more worrisome!). Keep us posted...thinking of you.


Hey, you've been on my mind since you mentioned a migraine. I'm so sorry you've had so much going on with your meds and I hope your doc can get you balanced out quick! How scary to go on a trip and then a long weekend while not feeling right. Glad your sister came in to relieve you of mommy duty for a short time. Feel better soon, okay!!!!!p.s. I hear you on the blogging with kids running around...

Sara T

Holy crap!!!!!! How horrible!!! I am so sorry you had to go thru all of that. I really hope you feel better sweetie. I was really worried. I know how awful those migraines and asthma can be. So scary! I am so glad you have some kick ass family to help! I hope you feel yourself soon! I really miss you!!! Hugs!


I hope you're feeling better soon Beth. UGH. Can't the stupid doctor give you SAMPLES of the meds before you buy them? Seriously. If he tries to give you something else, I wouldn't leave the office w/o at least a week supply.Hugs.


Sorry to hear you were feeling so bad. Migraines are the worst especially when you need to be a mom. Unfortunately, I know from a lot of experience. I take Maxalt! I am telling you that is the only thing that helps me. All the other stuff didn't come close to what Maxalt does.I hope the doctor can help you fix all this.


How awful! I wish I lived closer. I'd bring my girls and come over to help you.My husband takes BP meds, too and he's only 34. It totally sucks.

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