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Laundry Buttons

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April 17, 2007



I LOVE this idea! Any time you can make the job fun it will be easier to get it done!


You are so good and smart to get everyone involved. I always thought cleaning was fun to begin with, but then again I am totally an OCD freak - you knew that!

Heather @ Desperately Seeking Sanity

Every once in a while I can get my kids to do this... but most of the time, it's ME who's blaring the music and cleaning my heart out... :)



Great idea. It's more fun to do the housework as a family.

J. Fergie

Genius!!! And even more impressive that you get your hubby to clean too ;)


So ... I'm having a cleaning party at my house this weekend ... wanna send your kids???


Oh the memories... my mom used to do this when we were kids. As we grew we figured out her ulterior motives but it was still fun (somewhat) and it was a LOT easier than having to do it all alone.


This is a great idea. We do the same thing...just never made it sound so fun! We may have to add that in. With so many in the family it really helps! Great Post!

Robin @ Heart of Wisdom

Neat idea. I need to try this morning. Love your blog image (the laundry).

My WFMW is about vinegar.


Neat idea. My daughters would love this. Who doesn't like a party.

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