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Laundry Buttons

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June 27, 2007



I don't eat real twinkies, but these sound yummy!

Sincerely Anna

Where's my nachos? You're hysterical!
The mock twinkies look really good and easy. I was really hoping for some fiber in my diet desserts, though. Too bad.

Amy F.

These look really good. I "heart" Twinkies, so I'm sure I'll love this homemade, healthier version.

Glad to hear you're having such a wonderful time. So wonderful that you have no time for lil' old us, but that is to be expected since you are on vacation!

Wendy Darling

Bless your heart for posting this recipe. :-) I attend a scrapbooking event every month, and I bring the dessert. Most of the women do Weight Watchers, so I am always looking for good dessert recipes for them. This will be a HIT! :-) Thank you, again, for sharing. :-)


I'm actually GLAD you are having so much fun that it is making you tired! LOL You've been bustin' butt for weeks and deserve it! *wink*

And, can I say THANK YOU for this recipe? I'm gonna buy the supplies ASAP. It sounds GREAT! But, do you have any suggestions for those of us who are culinary-challenged and don't own a pastry bag with tips? *wink*


I'm glad you are having such a great time. And thanks for the recipe - it sounds great!

almost vegetarian

What a cute idea! If you don't mind my two cents worth, however, I do have two suggestions. First, instead of using Cool Whip (Have you read those ingredients? Lots of lovely preservatives and chemicals and the ever-annoying high fructose corn syrup - in other words, nothing you really want to feed your family), you can whip your own. I do, with a cream whipper I got at Sur la Table. The taste is much, much better than processed Cool Whip (although, alas, cream is pretty fattening).

Ditto for the instant cake mix (truly dreadful ingredients). Making a cake from scratch is no more complicated than measuring flour.

Hope that was of some help.


Military Mommy

Yeah for cake mix. Although I can appreciate the idea to make your own, not at my house. I have enough cake mix to last us in case of some kind of invasion. ; )

Can't wait to try this. Sounds delish and fulfilling. Have a super vacation!


now those sound like some 'twinkies' I could enjoy! Enjoy your vacation!



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