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Laundry Buttons

« Works for me Wednesday | Main | The Best Laid Plans »

July 18, 2007



Hang in there.. weight loss is hard. I lost 20 lbs. last fall and put it all back on... then got pregnant! Smart move, eh?! I'm going to join in the weight loss challenge after the baby comes, though, thanks to motivation from you and other moms online. Thanks!


Don't you just love the 'ERR's' ! lol...

And now I'm kind of craving some pancakes :)


FIVE lbs is awesome!! You know it doesn't happen like that every week, but hey, take it when you can get it! Four pounds away from your most recent low isn't really that far away, you know! Rock On!

J. Fergie

don't be discouraged! Rome wasn't built in a day, right?

Yes, that totally makes sense.


Dude. 5 lbs? YOU ROCK! Who cares where it was or how it got there, it's gone now!



Aw, honey...so I guess that means no Venetian Festival and elephant ears this weekend with me and the Vikings, huh? *wink*


Grats on 5lbs lost! That's phenomenal, and you should do a little jig to celelbrate. I can't wait to have Baby #4, so I can join ya'll on your journey. I really need the accountability!

Believer in Balance

Err can be a good thing...it's open-ended! I like the complicated math you used. Very funny!

Believer in Balance

Oh, I forgot. You're very welcome for the award!


Isn't yoyo-ing fun? The pants fit. The pants don't fit. I have a fit. I eat the fridge... sigh.


when mine says ERR I think that is a blessing that I do not have to really know how bad it was for that weigh in LOL
Do you know how many times I have thrown my scales in the trash can? LOL

way to go on your loss this week!


Good for you!!! I hope hubby gets home soon, at least this century! ha ha

You are too funny. Your posts always make me laugh.

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