I could not decide on a title for this post, a few came to mind.
For instance:
What to do if you want to lose $65.
Screen cutting is fun!
You've been in school for a whole week? Let's play hooky!
You choose, it's up to you!
This morning it was Racecar's turn to go to school. Everything was going very smoothly, I even showered, which is a miracle which happens everyday. We were ready to go early. Early! I had my purse over my shoulder and my delicious, amazing coffee in my hand, Racecar decided to head out to the car before me, which is typical. Unfortunately, on his way down the steps into the garage, he fell down on his knees, he was very sad and was crying very loud. I dropped my purse and beloved coffee and ran into the garage, I calmed him down and put him into his car seat.
Then Ariel came out, she shut the door and climbed into her car seat.
I went to go get my purse and hot steaming cup of coffee from the inside of the house.
The door was locked. With my purse in the house. With my house and car keys inside my purse.
Every window? Closed and locked?
Every other door? Locked. Bolted.
My brain? Exploding.
I did cut a screen to see if the window was unlocked, but it was locked. I then took another screen out of another window, bent the screen up real nice, but it was locked, too. I apparently take our safety very seriously.
The best part of the experience was listening to Ariel and Racecar saying "just open the door." "JUST OPEN THE DOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRR AND GET THE KEYS ALREADY, RACECAR IS GOING TO BE LATE!"
It all worked out, though. Noah did miss school, but once I finally got back into my house, after hugging and kissing my coffee that sat so patiently in my house for 90 minutes, I e-mailed his teacher and she said it was okay. She did say I was a bad Mom, but not an idiot.
She's so nice.
Don't worry, I learned my lesson. From now on I am going to leave every door and window unlocked all of the time. We will never be locked out again!
Oh wait, maybe she said I was a good Mom, but an idiot.
I can't remember.
been there, done that and have several t-shirts... i've even locked the keys in the car while it was running...
so don't feel bad... :)
Posted by: Heather @ Desperately Seeking Sanity | August 30, 2007 at 07:01 PM
O.K. I read the post and then went back to read the optional titles. I laughed out loud at Option #3. Do I win anything?
That sucks, dude. I'm sorry.
Hopefully you don't forget what happened if you should happen to wake up in the middle of the night and see your screens cut.
That would suck, too.
Posted by: Thea | August 30, 2007 at 08:04 PM
at least your coffee was well-bahaved, sitting quietly, waiting for you :-)
and you're totally not a bad mom. you had both kids with you, at least. not like you forgot one at home or something. not that anyone i know ever did that (ahem, my MOM, ahem)
Posted by: funcrazylife | August 30, 2007 at 08:08 PM
I have been there too! It can get so crazy sometimes. The one that I find the most aggravating, therefore it happens a lot, is having to go back in the house repeated times for something I forget, or the kids forgot. Arrrrggghhhhh!
Posted by: Rhen | August 30, 2007 at 09:09 PM
Frustrating! One time my cousin ran back into the house with her kids in the car and running (luckily not in the garage) and the door locked behind her. She didn't have an extra key and had to call her mom to come help her. Of course both kids were safely strapped into their car seats where they couldn't get out to help. Safety first :)
Posted by: InTheFastLane | August 30, 2007 at 09:44 PM
been there too :) although to get me out of my mess, I had to call the police resue squad with their really tall ladder and they climbed up into the balcony and went in through the sliding door. At the time we lived in an apartment on the 2nd floor. I was so embarassed!
Posted by: mummifiedx5 | August 30, 2007 at 11:17 PM
SOOOOOOOOOO been there!
Once, my husband locked my car, in the garage, with my keys in it, and then left for the office. I had NO WAY to get into my car to take my son to school.
Ended up borrowing my housekeeper's car when she got here. He was late, but he made it.
Posted by: New Diva on the Blog | August 31, 2007 at 10:27 AM
LOL! Okay, I'm laughing with you,not at you. Well, I guess you weren't laughing at this point of your life were you. But I could totally see myself doing this. I'm so sorry! Bless you! And that 90-minute cup of coffee! And you are a great Mom :)
Juuusttt ooopen the doooor! lol
Posted by: Shelly | August 31, 2007 at 10:22 PM