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« What my scale says... | Main | maybe the most random post ever. or since last week. »

October 24, 2007



Glad the specialist validated and has more ideas. Oh and really glad the other doctor was doing the right things. Good luck and we'll be praying!

Sincerely Anna

I'd say that's an answer to prayer - I hope the ibuprofin works for the time being and you feel better soon. Man, that tricky thyroid.


So glad that your feelings were validated. I have to ask ... what's the bean????


Chrissy Witt

Happy to read that you were validated, and got some sort of answers! Still praying.


happy to read you have some answers - and a good second opinion.

i love taking my kids into the city -- especially when for some strange reason there isn't traffic. "see, we really do live 20 minutes from Philly, not 2 hours!" ;-)


Hi! I haven't commented here before and I especially always hate when people play dr. but I just wanted to say that I have had thyroid issues as well. I had gone to several dr.s to try to figure it out and it wasn't until I had a saliva test that checks your hormone levels that they got it figured out. Apparently your thyroid and hormones go hand in hand. When I started treating the hormones AND the thyroid things finally got better.

Hope you start feeling better soon. :)


I'm so glad that you were validated, if nothing else--and that there was no traffic, and you got a glimpse of the skyline. I always feel better when I see the skyline.

I'm also glad you got a script for the 'roids--they can do things that ibruprofen can't.

Hang in there!


Sounds like it was a pretty good day...I'm glad!


oh my goodness!!! bless your heart. I read your blog and yet had no idea you had those symptoms... The scariest time of my life was being incredibly ill and the dr's being able to pinpoint NOTHING!!! That is so great that your dr. validated you! sometimes they just don't and that makes it worse!!!


Well, you got some validation, got to go into the city and have "bean-photo" fun with some of the cutest kids ever.

Sounds like a good day.

But I just hope you *feel* okay until your scan.

New Diva on the Blog

My goodness, what an ordeal. Hope you have something solid on the 5th!

Great Pics.

31 minutes! I can't even make it downtown in 31 minutes and I live in Illinois!


I'm so sorry you're still waiting to see if anything can alleviate your symptoms, but I am glad your GP has been giving you the best possible care and that your second opinion confirmed that. Still praying that you'll be back to feeling better soon! Love ya - J

p.s. You have the cutest kids! And that bean is awesome!


So happy to hear that they agree. Sorry to hear that it's just more waiting. That stinks. Praying for you to have answers soon! Hang in there!


So happy to hear it went well!


I pray the best for you.
I have heard a lot of women mention thyroid problems over the past year or so, you would think that the Doctors would be a little more knowledgeable since it is becoming more and more common.


Seriously? 31 minutes? How fast were you driving?

So what is involved with a radioactive scan? Sounds dangerous.

Love the pictures of the kids.

To Think is to Create

Oh I love our dear city. Can't believe you made it so fast! Woohoo for no traffic.

Amy F.

I can't get over the 31 minutes...it just doesn't seem fathomable to me, "Fast and Furious Fletcher!" As much as I love the Chicago experience and all it has to offer, I have NEVER had a good experience driving there, I hate it! So, good for you. And wow, we will have to check out this bean of which you speak and take pictures of...it looks awesome!! Will you be our chauffeur?

Glad you got some validation at this appt. and that there is a plan for a scan.

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