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October 10, 2007



oh my goodness. I'm glad you didn't ignore the rising b/p. the U/S is not until next week! Will your insurance let you go anywhere else?

I totally understand the genetic thing. Thyroid issues are the same in my family.

wow, go rest, relax and try some yummy guacamole, I hear it's the newest cure all...

Amy F.

Beth, I will be thinking about you. The high blood pressure and the feeling that your throat is being squeezed has GOT to be scary. I hope the doctors get this figured out and I wish your ultrasound was sooner, for your sake. Please keep us posted!


Wow that is scary! Thankfully you went in to see your doctor, now if they could just somehow get your ultrasound in sooner. Take it easy!


Gosh..I hope everything turns out ok...Feel better, ok?


Take care of yourself, I'm so sorry to hear about your bp and thyroid. I'm worried about you! I can't believe that you can't get in for that ultrasound.

Hang in there!


Take it easy this week. This is definitely not something to be messing around with...but you know that.

I hope everything gets straightened out SOON!


How very scary! I can't believe they can't just fit you in for the ultrasound. Sit's it's waiting... does it mean it's not too serious? Just annoying? I hope that's what it means.

Jenny from Chicago

Wha? I agree with CE. I think you should find another place to get the Ultrasound. Don't make me drive down there and take you myself (I'll do it -- you know I will).


Wow Beth! So glad you went to the doctor! That sounds scary! Take care and keep us updated!

Sincerely Anna

A thyroid ultrasound is pretty easy to fit into a busy schedule at a radiology office. I'd call and ask to speak to one of the ultrasound techs and tell him/her you're feeling really uncomfortable and your blood pressure is high and you're concerned about that. I bet that they'll work you in. I hope the doctor will figure out what's going on. Feel better soon!


Lord, be with Beth. Especially in these days before her ultrasound. Ease the strangling sensation. Your will, though, Lord. Whatever You do, we know that you are achieving eternal things for her. Give her peace, give her rest. In Jesus' name...AMEN.

I'm with you.


Truly, can you get in somewhere before you leave for the weekend?!?!? Assuming you're still making the trip, once you get there, you will be at the mercy of booger and cooter in the rural clinic if anything goes awry!

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