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Laundry Buttons

« Love is... | Main | Bag Lady »

November 25, 2007



I'm with you on this one...

Thank goodness for padded bras.


Yuck! Of course you can come down. Its 82 degrees outside right now. Is it wrong to tell you that?? LOL!

Thea @ I'm a Drama Mama

Seriously, though... What the heck happened to fall???

The weather here is crappy today. I told Jake that it was icky and rainy and he asked if it was winter. I just said, no, it's Ohio.

This weather bites.

Laura McIntyre

Brrrrrrrrr , im still actually waiting for my summer to happen so winter is not much a shock

Deidre Blair

The grass is always greener on the other side. I would give anything to get out of Florida...it is still in the 80's. It has been this way since April. I still feel the humidity and my daughter is still stuck in shorts. I have been in Florida for 9 years and I am so over the heat. There is no such thing as warm and cozy holidays with the a/c on. Turkey in the oven and kids swimming, not so much thank you.

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