It's the final day of NaBloPoMo and I all I have to say is "ALLELUIA! PRAISE THE LORD! CAN I GET A WITNESS?! YEEHAW!"
I am slightly overjoyed. Even my non-blogging sister asked me while we were on the phone last night "aren't you excited that tomorrow is the 30th?" Because she knows, she knows. I responded very eloquently with "hell to the yes." and "I'm totally not blogging this weekend. At All."
Which may or may not be the truth. But it's more than likely the truth. But then again, Christmas will be exploding all over our house this weekend, Christmas music, a NINE FOOT Christmas Tree, a 12 Foot Blow Up Snow Man, hundreds of ornaments, many of them could be broken, (if my memory serves me correctly, I was in a bad mood when un-decking my halls last year) and dozens upon dozens of homemade Christmas cookies.
But the cookies is a total lie. We'll probably have Taco Bell, because nothing says "Be Jolly" like a Nachos Bell Grande.
You know I'm right.
Anyway, my point is that after the Christmas Explosion, I'll probably want to show you pictures on this here blog, but thanks to BooMama's Tour of Homes, I should be able to wait. Therefore, you will have to wait until December 15th.
But first things first, tonight I am hosting drunco bunco for 12 very loud women (myself included) so I have a house to clean.
Thank you, NaBloPoMo, for making me blog for thirty consecutive days. I love you, but mostly I hate you.
In a friendly kinda way.