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April 21, 2008



Coffee, donuts and hot dogs...YUM.



Sounds like my kind of trip; although I am not a coffee or alcohol drinker! But I could sure hang with the hot dogs, hamburgers and donuts. Yummy!
Loved the pictures too!
So glad you went. Sounds like you had good time!


I'm so glad you're having a good time and enjoying Orange County. It's one of my favorite places, too. Right behind NYC...

I would move out there in a heartbeat if I could.


So glad you had a great time! Hopefully you will get the chance to do this again and hit some more fun spots!


Sounds like a GREAT trip. Congrats!


I love California. It's so refreshingly different from the Midwest.


It sure is a fun place. Expensive though! I'm just finding it hard to move away, even though I'd rather live somewhere a little more, uh, conservative. But you can't beat the beauty of the land, the weather, the farmer's markets (oh my!).


You made it sound wonderful, I now wanna go!
Have a safe trip, I've loved all the photos!

Megan (FriedOkra)

California always feels like a dream for awhile after I get back. I'm glad you took plenty of pictures... they were all beautiful, by the way.

that girl

California girl here to say NONE of us from CA love the LA vibe for long, it's tough (smog, traffic, etc)... that's why you need to drive to NorCal as in San Francisco/Bay Area! Our weather is great, there's plenty of off-beat people, but not so crazy-crowded. A little less silicon & botox too, but we have it.

Jen (thing two ) from FOH

Beth, as a rural Nor Cal native, if you think the landscape in LA is amazing, you haven't seen anything yet.

120 miles north (and more) of San Francisco is the best place in the world. Some day I hope you can make it here, and I will be your guide on a trip through the redwoods! Its awesome.

Thea @ I'm a Drama Mama

Please tell me you got a mod pair of sunglasses that are 3 times bigger than your actual face...


beth @ I Should Be Folding launfry

OMG - I forget my sunglasses. STOP THE PLANE!!!!

Lisa in California

We will miss you here in California. Come back anytime!


You went to Pink's after all?? And what a freakin wait.. i wouldn't have waited. You're a bigger man than i! :)

So how was it.. i mean you said it was okay.. but can i have more details??? :)

You know.. us people stuck at our desks at work desperately looking for something other than our work to do, need DETAILS!

okay.. thats all!!



That looks beautiful, I love photos!


Glad you had fun in our neck of the woods! Come back any time. :o)


I won't go to California because there might be an earthquake and the whole place may fall into the ocean. No, I stay here nice and safe in Illinois. Did I mention that I have personally felt 3 earthquakes since Friday morning? Ah, the irony. I sure am glad you have had such a good time and are coming home so full of all that healthy California food!

Autumn Dahlia

A day with chili cheese dogs and margaritas sounds like my favorite kind of day!


California is where my heart is. Unfortunately, my body is in Canada.

That "Blue Balls" sign made me snort :)

Red Lotus Mama

So happy you love my home state! Hubs and I were in Chicago in December. Even though it was @#$%&! cold we really enjoyed the city. I have to say CA hot dogs don't hold a candle to a Chicago dawg ... I think Hubs ate one every day we were there.


Yeah, it's best to go to Pink's late at night when the line isn't so dang long (I am frequent visitor to LA LA Land). It sounds like you and your taste buds at a great time though!

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