Today we have spent much of the day traveling around in our rental car. We went to Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and back to L.A. for some In-n-Out.
While at In-n-Out, I decided I needed to get some documentation for the many readers who insisted we go to In-n-Out, so I withdrew my camera from my handbag, took a picture and was then accosted by the 18 year old security guard. Because you can't take pictures inside In-n-Out. Are you kidding me? THEY'RE JUST BIG RED LETTERS. Who cares?
I acted shocked (which I was), I did not apologize (because I wasn't sorry - even if I was going to Burger Prison), but I was still nice, (because I'm a softy.) (except for the girl at McDonald's at O'Hare the other day, she told her co-worker I was ready to fight her. And she was right.)
The 18 year old security guard was actually very nice, we wound up chatting for a bit while our burgers cooked. He yelled at me for not getting a double double burger when I told him I had ordered a single. He then asked where we were from, why we were in L.A. and how many kids we have.
"How many kids to you have?"
That question I use to love to answer with pride and joy "TWOOOOO!" I'd croon enthusiastically. But now I answer with some sadness, "TWO. I have TWO." And quite honestly, even though I ADORE California and will undoubtedly return someday, this whole trip is a little sad, it's bittersweet, I should say. The fact is, if I had not lost the twins; we wouldn't be here. I'd be sitting at home, about to start my twenty-seventh week, with swollen ankles, constipation and heartburn and probably a pretty bad attitude. Instead, we are driving around on the 405 in a silver Mercedes with the sun roof open, our music up, soaking in California.
I'm sure you know where I'd rather be right now.
But I'm not, I'm here, in a hotel room in downtown Los Angeles - dreaming of my sweet angel baby boys and missing my sweet children who are safe and sound at Grandma's.
The security guard, bless his heart, responded to my answer of two children with "Just two? Everybody stops at two. Nobody has more than two anymore."
My heart fell into my stomach, I smiled politely and said "I would love to have more."
Just another reminder that there is always more to people than we know - one should never assume, one should never doubt, one should only be kind.
We did enjoy our lunch at In-n-Out, was it the best burger I've ever had? No, this is. (the second best burger was here.) It was good, don't get me wrong, the milkshake? It rocked my world. Thanks for the recommendation.
More pictures to come right here. Oh and check out this smokin' hot Momma who just cut her hair off. I love it when people cut there hair off. She looks amazing. Makes me wonder what the hell I'm waiting for.
As a fellow Midwesterner (I live near Chicago), I have never been to an In and Out. But you know what? I'm now green with envy that you got to try it.
Wonder if they can send some via FedEx.
Posted by: Becky | April 19, 2008 at 07:56 PM
AWW, you called me smokin hot, I knew I loved you. Now I love you more.
and you still have to take us to that burger joint you know. I didn't forget.
What else, hello? a Mercedes to drive around in too? Now I'm really jealous. So stop sitting in the room and go out and see more of California. (more photos too)
Posted by: crookedeyebrow | April 19, 2008 at 08:17 PM
I always hated that question after my losses...ugh how do you answer, do you give more info or do you just say how many kids are here on earth with you? I now say I have 5 kids, 1 on earth with us and 4 in heaven playing. That usually is good for me and totally more info than the person asking wanted! LOL...
BTW, I so need to eat at In-n-out, I've heard it rocks!
Posted by: Melanie | April 19, 2008 at 08:21 PM
Crooked Eyebrow, we will be leaving as soon as Brian is done with work. I should have just enough time to eat my chocolate, take a snooze and change my dirty shirt.
Posted by: I Should Be Folding Laundry | April 19, 2008 at 08:25 PM
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with us...I feel like I'm living vicariously through you. Poor Mike has heard me talk about wanting to go to LA for the past two days. Then, we watched the Nancy Drew movie with Alex (since he likes smart, pretty girls and a mystery)and it took place in LA...sigh.
I'm glad you got to In-n-Out. I wondered how it would compare to Redamak's. Crazy how you're committing a crime by taking a picture...just like at Garrett's popcorn in Chicago apparently. My mom almost got arrested there for snapping a picture, ha.
You're checking out so many of the sites. And you're driving a Mercedes...are you kidding me? You fit right in...but then again, you don't since your boys and Ariel and Racecar are on your heart tonight. Oh, and the casual conversation between strangers that can hurt so much. Who knew innocent questions and comments by nice people could be so difficult? I'm so sorry you have those moments in your days. What a strong, graceful woman you are to politely continue the interaction and not make others feel like shit (because they didn't know)--it's SO hard to do and you're amazing in your ability to do that with all you are feeling inside!
Anyway, I do hope you can enjoy the rest of your time there and try to soak that vacation in. Oh, and I hear you about the TiVo thing...we have gotten terribly impatient with live TV and watching commercials now, we're spoiled!
Posted by: Amy F. | April 19, 2008 at 08:28 PM
Oh Beth. My heart continues to break for you. And how right you are- there is way more to people than we tink we know. God bless your weary soul.
BTW- I triple heart the picture of the sign you took for me. The Mo Fo Party Band- love it! Is it possible for you to return and yank it off the wall, put it in your purse and bring it home for me? And then, if you ever make it to Texas, I can pay you for your services?!!!! Pretty please?
Posted by: Lisa | April 20, 2008 at 07:46 AM
You can't take a picture in a burger joint? California is crazy!
And I LOVE the hot Momma's new haircut. I'm so inspired!!!
Posted by: Lovely | April 20, 2008 at 02:48 PM
that's out of control that you can't take a picture there.
AMEN to we can never assume to know someone's whole story. you're doing great, beth. i'm proud of you for sharing a part of your authentic story. it's helping more people than you'll ever fully realize.
i KNEW that link would be redamak's! *sigh* totally cravin' that now, too. but, my hubby calls me now saying the steaks are off the grill....i'll take it. =)
Posted by: ~lovelyn | April 20, 2008 at 04:55 PM
When people ask how many children we have, I always say "Two. One in heaven and one with us." The thought of a baby in heaven may make some people uncomfortable, but not me. That's where our precious firstborn is, and where my heart is also.
Posted by: Heather | April 20, 2008 at 04:58 PM
I hope you are having a good time! Thought of you today and was hoping you were! Couldn't wait for the day to end so I could get on the computer and see any new updates!
Posted by: wfbdoglover | April 20, 2008 at 08:40 PM
I love in and out burger. My all time favorite gut bomb place to eat ever. When I am asked how many kids I have I say three. And leave it at that. If they ask further I say I have one son and two daughters who died. And leave it at that.
You are doing so well, I am proud of you!
Posted by: WCD | April 21, 2008 at 10:58 AM