Are these series of answering questions interesting to you or does it make you wish I had never asked you to ask me a question?
Because I don't want to bore you. I'm just here to entertain.
and complain. and vent. and cry and scream. Yep, it's all about entertainment.
And answer your questions - here I go for round three. or it four? I think it's four.
Today we start off by answering questions from a good blog friend of mine, Thea, she asks:
When you vacation, would you rather go sightseeing or shopping? Mountain or Beach? Downtime or activetime? Sightsee AND shop, beach and downtime. I enjoy allowing myself to fully relax and tend to do that on vacation. I need a vacation.
If I actually WERE to start stalking you, what would be your most active time of day? I'm all about efficiency you know. hmmm...I spend much of my morning driving around, dropping off and picking up for preschool, so stalking me at that time would just cost gas money, I am almost always home between 12 and 4, if you need my address, let me know.
Did you throw nachos at the TV anytime this year? Gosh, I haven't. Unfortunately, nachos and I broke up when I became pregnant with James & Jake. I was so sick at night, nothing sounded good, especially nachos. We have actually thrown away nachos AND queso because they expired. (THE HORROR!) Maybe some day our love will be rekindled, right now I kind of like not relying on a snack every night.
I do want to throw my food at Jason Castro though. I know some of you are fans of his, but he is so creepy to me, I just need him to be voted off. STAT.
This is from my real life, very good friend, Lynette who is moving away from me next month. (The nerve. I am looking for someone to replace her, if you are interested in the position, e-mail me for an application, applicants must love to clean, bake chocolate chip cookies and enjoy watching my kids.) I am also working on a new blog design for her, anyway, here is her question:
If you could change one thing about yourself (either physically or otherwise) what would it be and why?
Well, this is tough because I would change like 10 things about me, not that I hate myself or the way I look or anything, it's just some areas could be...let's say a little tighter, but if I have to choose one, then I would like a tummy tuck.
This question is from Amy F. - a beautiful person, whom I went to high school with:
Dang girl, are you going to answer ALL of these questions? Yes.
Hmm...since we know each other from high school, what were some of your most memorable moments from your time with the last graduating class of ___HS '95?? Amy, to me, high school feels like 170 years ago. But it was only 13 years ago, which is still A REALLY LONG TIME WHICH MEANS WE ARE OLD. But, I did enjoy my friends in high school, I loved being the editor of the school newspaper and I loved our spanish teacher. I loved it when he called me an idiota. No, really. It was endearing.
A question from Kiki from Seagulls in the Parking Lots:Good Wii game recommendations? (4 and 2 year old boys)
Yes, Mater National racing game. It's awesome, Racecar totally gets it and loves it. (he's four) Do not buy the Disney Princess game because it sucks, not that you would for your two boys, I just wanted to tell you that that game sucks because it sucks.
A question from Steph at Adventures in Babywearing, she asked
What's the last book you read? What's next on your list? Then the next day she said "Oh I feel like my original question was so boring now. I'll have to come up with a better one." And she's right, her first question was a little boring, only because I can't remember the last book I read, I think it was My Sister's Keeper. then she asked:
How about this: Tanning? In the sun? Self-tanning lotion? Spray tan? Tanning bed? Just go white? I typically go white. Tanning in a tanning bed bothers me because you know, The Skin Cancer n' all, self tanning lotions are no good because I always end up looking like a tiger with all of the orange stripes, spray tans freak me out and becoming tan from the sun takes me 40 times longer than a normal person. So, white it is. Very white. Bright white.
I will blind you.
Elaine asks a fun question, she writes:
What would you do if you won the lottery (and I mean the BIG ONE!)?
Oh Elaine, first, I would go buy any handbag I wanted, then I would buy 100 pairs of shoes, then I would get a tummy tuck (sorry, I would) and then I would take my kids on a two week long vacation on the beach and then I would buy 1000 acres of land in North Carolina and build homes for my entire family on the land, but we would be far enough away from each other that we would not get on each other's nerves. Big plans. Oh and I would buy this camera and sleep with it every night.
I really need to start playing the lottery.
And from Lisa:
Are you going to come and visit Christy in Texas? Man, that would be fun, wouldn't it? I dream of eating chips and salsa and drinking margaritas with y'all. (see, I even talk like a Texan.) And Christy has been teaching me so much photoshop over these last fews day, I need to buy her a gallon of margaritas. So, the answer is, Yes, I am certain that someday, I will visit Christy in Texas, I'm assuming you would be at Christy's when I am there, right?
What is your favorite restuarant to eat at? I love to eat at Red Robin with the kids, I love eating at Longhorn or anywhere with $2 draft beer and some of the local places around here.
When you want to feel "girly", what do you do? Put on a bra. Just kidding. (or not) Pedicures, manicures, eyebrow waxing. The works. I love shopping for handbags, but I rarely buy them - according to me. According to Brian, I buy them all of the time. I honestly never really feel REALLY girly.
Frances asks:
You said that it would be fun to be a photographer. Have you ever taken any classes to learn all the "proper" techniques? You know, Frances, I have not. But I need to. I have a fear of my little hobby going from fun to work. But I need to take that step and see. Brian and I just found a course the other day. Good question.
from Becky:
What's your favorite part of the day and why? I love the time of night when the kids go to bed. It's no offense to my children, it's just that I love sitting in the peace and quiet after a long day of time outs and wiping butts.
That's all for now. But before you go, answer me this: Do you have children? If so, how many? What's your favorite food (ONLY ONE THING) and do these questions and answers bore you or enlighten you?
And to the person reading this who has never commented, I DO want to hear from you, your comment DOES matter, so de-lurk already, okay? I promise, commenting IS FUN.
Thanks. Real much.
o.k. you got me with the last paragraph!
2 boys, 21 months and 5 1/2 months.
watermelon. i think. you said only one, so i'm going to go with that.
although this is my first comment, i am a faithful reader. i admire you and pray for you and your family. i think jake and james are the cutest names ever for two little boys.
Posted by: lisa | May 04, 2008 at 06:45 PM
Hey Beth... I have a 3.5 year old daughter, Becca and a 1.5 year old son, JJ. They are 2 years 2 days apart. As for food, I love all the bad stuff! The picture of your greasy cheeseburger from the other night made me dizzy! I was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, so yummy high calorie/high carb foods like that is a HUGE no no! I have enjoyed the Q&A posts. It is nice to see a blog be a two sides communication, not just posting and commenting. Babs
Posted by: indigobabs | May 04, 2008 at 06:46 PM
2 boys - Sage, 3.5 and Kolby, 2 and I'm due in November.
Fav. food right now is hard because of the pregnancy but normally I would say ice cream, anytime, anywhere.
I like the questions, they make me feel enlightened. But also, that I know you way better than you know me!
Thanks for the Wii game recommendation, Sage will be getting that for his birthday in July!
Posted by: Kiki@Seagulls in the Parking Lot | May 04, 2008 at 06:55 PM
I have a 4 y/o son, Andre.
Favorite Food: Banana Splits
I think the Q&As are fun. It's an easy way to get to know someone! :)
Posted by: Debbie | May 04, 2008 at 06:59 PM
I love reading the answers, it is a fun idea.
Ok, I have a 6 year old daughter, and 11 year old step son. I leave and breathe with pasta...can't help it. I am weak for it.
Posted by: Kellyn | May 04, 2008 at 07:21 PM
1) 1 boy.
2) Cheese Fondue.
3) The questions are lots of fun! Keep going! :)
Posted by: Emily | May 04, 2008 at 07:30 PM
Okay Beth,
I am the lurker to end all lurkers, but I decided to go ahead and post anyway. I love the questions and answers.
I have 4 boys Peyton is almost 9, Jackson is 6, Parker is 4 and Grayson will be 2 the end of July.
The food question is hard for me because I am such a junk food junkie it is hard for me to pick, I'll just leave it at that. I have wanted to post for awhile now to tell you how much I admire your strength and how wonderful I think it is that you are so good at expressing your honest emotions.
Posted by: Lucia | May 04, 2008 at 07:39 PM
1) Four (2 of each)
2) Steak
3) started fun, but now I'm skimmiing...
Posted by: that girl | May 04, 2008 at 07:39 PM
I've answered this one before....I am a SAHM to 6 children(and one angel). I have 4 boys and 2 girls(yes, in that order). Their ages are 2,3,6,8,10 and 12. The 3 year old is almost 4 though(her birthday is May 22). My angel baby was between the 3 and 6 y.o. As you can see....I had to get pregnant again ASAP. Emotionally I had to! I'm curious if you have that same desire. It just consumed me.
Favorite food....has to be mexican food(well, tex-mex that is). I always order the make "my own burrito" from "On the Border". In fact, I just had one tonight! YUMMY!
Posted by: Nicole | May 04, 2008 at 07:43 PM
Hi Beth! Totally delurking here...
Love the question/answer posts! Fun to learn more!
I love, love, love Peanut Butter and Chocolate anything. Seriously major addiction! See how I capitalized PB & Choc just to add emphasis as to their importance to me? :)
I have four kids: Mason-9, Grace-8, Jensen-5, & Olivia-3
Posted by: Erika | May 04, 2008 at 07:56 PM
So you know how many children I have.
My favorite food is nachos.
Which brings me to my question. Is it too late to ask a question? When you say nachos, do you mean Doritos? Or nachos as in tortilla chips with melted cheese and maybe meat or beans and salsa and sour cream and all of that? Because I have heard that it is a midwestern thing to refer to Doritos as nachos, which would just be silly, because everyone knows that Doritos are Doritos and nachos are a mexican dish made with tortilla chips.
But you midwestern people are crazy with your pop instead of soda and all of that.
And as for visiting Texas, it makes NO sense whatsoever to visit Christy because Christy is 3 hours away from Lisa and I, whereas Lisa lives 5 minutes from me. And Christy is often here. So it makes much more sense to come visit ME and then Christy will come visit Lisa and then we will all drink margaritas. I'm just saying.
Posted by: Minivan Mom | May 04, 2008 at 07:57 PM
No kids, I like the comments, and my favorite food --- really hard one......anything with cheese sounds good.
Posted by: Susan | May 04, 2008 at 08:00 PM
No children...but trying VERY hard.
I would have to say that my favorite food is homemade pizza. I make a mean crust if I do say so myself!
Posted by: SarahC | May 04, 2008 at 08:01 PM
I have to kidlets, Matthew age 11 and Samara age 8... and my favorite food? enchiladas... :D
and i love to learn more about someone... i do this on my blog but fear that i would only get 2 questions... :D
Posted by: Heather @ Desperately Seeking Sanity | May 04, 2008 at 08:10 PM
I have only one son.
I hope to have more, you know this already because I love you.
Right now, I am loving buffalo wings with blue cheese smeared all over them. I am now drooling at the thought.
I do love you Q&A's so very much.
Posted by: crookedeyebrow | May 04, 2008 at 08:16 PM
I have one girl who is 8 going on 21. My favorite food is steak. I love reading the answers to these questions, and like Heather @ DSS, I'd do this on my blog, but I have less readers than she :D So I doubt I'd get any questions!
Posted by: Lisa B @ simply His | May 04, 2008 at 08:17 PM
Currently I have three daughters, with another due at the end of summer. My favorite food is probably strawberries. If I have to pick just one.
I think answering questions from readers is a great way to revive the blogging juices, so I like it.
Posted by: Veronica Mitchell | May 04, 2008 at 08:26 PM
I have two boys - 3 1/2 and 19 months, and one one the way (we find out the gender on Friday)- due in September. I will be 20 weeks on Tuesday. I thought of you every day last week, during my 19th week. I admire your honesty here. Reading your blog has made me even more grateful for EVERY day of this pregnancy - the good and the bad. And, it has been a rough one!
I have enjoyed reading the questions and answers!
Posted by: Joy | May 04, 2008 at 08:29 PM
Hi Beth,
I have enjoyed reading your answers to all of our questions.
My favorite food would be CHOCOLATE! I could eat it everyday.
I have 2 boys - Matthew is 7 and Shawn is 4.
Posted by: Kristi | May 04, 2008 at 08:32 PM
I have two boys, 3 and 3 weeks. My favorite food (right now, might be because of the 3 week old) is vanilla lattes. I am enjoying the questions, I should steal the idea.
Posted by: Lisa | May 04, 2008 at 08:32 PM
I have no kids yet. Or do I have half of a kid? I haven't really figured out how to answer that question yet; I'm not sure I've really bonded with the belly. Am I normal?
I don't think I have a favorite food right now... although I could kill with the Arby's 3 for 5 deal if you'd pick me up and drive me over there. Right now.
Love your question and answer game, love learning more about you, love you. Let's eat white bread together.
Posted by: milk&honey | May 04, 2008 at 08:35 PM
Idiota! (In Senor ___'s tone :-) Oh, I love it...and you. Honestly, I don't know that he ever called me that, but I know I heard him say it to others. Did you know I was awarded Best Spanish student, or something like that (I'm sure it was a better title) my senior year? I really don't remember the're right, it was a long time ago. And I also don't remember much Espanol.
Anyway, you know I have one son, Alex, who is 3 1/2 and and one angel, Lydia :-)
My favorite food is most definitely pizza. God apparently does not want me to get fat(ter) off of pizza since moving to Lafayette, IN as there are NO good pizza places here, NONE!
And I absolutely love this Q&A you are doing because you really can make just about anything interesting. Um, that didn't come out right. YOU are interesting :-) And way to change things up a little by asking us a question!
I SO leave the longest comments and I apologize for that.
Posted by: Amy F. | May 04, 2008 at 08:46 PM
Well although I think you know all of the answers to these questions, I was feeling left out so I'm going to play along.
3 kids
Amber - 19
Jeremy - 8
Jenna - 7
Posted by: AmyA | May 04, 2008 at 08:55 PM
Yes. Commenting is GREAT fun. I have a kid. Her name is Bean. She's 3 1/2. And I love her. BIG TIME.
My favorite food is um. Gosh. Usually a buffalo chicken salad. Or fried chicken.
And I like these answers but I wish I'd commented sooner so you'd have answered my question already because I really want to know the answer. And I'm not really that good at waiting. Foot-tap foot-tap foot-tap. Squirm shuffle squirm.
Posted by: Megan (FriedOkra) | May 04, 2008 at 09:07 PM
No kids. Yet.
Favourite food? Anything fatty and salty. There are two kinds of people in the world: the chocolate people and the potato chip people. I am a potato chip person.
Fatty + salty = pasta carbonara. Yum. Or really, any sort of pasta combined with some sort of cream sauce and an animal based protein (chicken, beef, seafood, bacon - hence the carbonara).
And I think the question answering is really interesting. I read several blogs and always like to learn more about the people behind them :)
Posted by: Nicole | May 04, 2008 at 09:09 PM