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Laundry Buttons

« American Idol - Final Two *Live Blogging* | Main | Live Idol Blogging -- PROCEED WITH CAUTION »

May 21, 2008


Minivan Mom

Love your new header.

Not as much as MY new header.

But love your new header. :)


Your new header is gorgeous. I love the butterflies as all your babies. So sweet, simple and beautiful.

Please tell me what a Bug Bite is when you get a chance. Now I don't want to Google it and I really need to know because it sounds like I am really missing out on something here...

Christy M.

Hey! It looks really good up there! So glad you like it. And thank you for asking me to do it. It was a pleasure.

I love Bug Bites too, which is why we don't buy them. BJ and I would get in arguments over who was going to get to eat the dragonfly versus the butterfly. Mad arguments.

Hope your head is feeling better soon. I'm off to clean up my hellish kitchen. And bathe my kids so I can put them to bed and have some peace and quiet already!!!!


Ohh those bug bites look SO yummy.... hmmm I need some.

Feel better!


Love the new header! I love that it says "Fo' shizzle" on it.

Bug bites are fabulous!!! Not a lot of stores carry them here, but they are wonderful!

Aimee in Port Orange

I am watching Idol and thought of you SEAL is singing... LOL another of your man on TV...


Dial Idol predicts cook to win:) I am happy!


DUH - Coulda just clicked on the link! Please don't think I am a complete idiot! And, yeah those look yummy!


I love love love your new header. That Christy girl sure does have some Sparkly Magic.

I think David is going to win AI tonight, too.

libby @ ninesandquines

LOVE the new header - and hope your aching header...er....head feels better soon :-)


GASP! I looooooooooove your new header!!! It's perfect.

P.S. I like Bug Bites too. They're so yummy.


Another P.S. I love this (http://bp3.blogger.com/_aNcmT2u_pe8/SDIAObpuFGI/AAAAAAAABPM/uYKevXQRCYg/s1600-h/header+final.jpg) design. It's gorgeous. But when I click on it I don't go to the site, only like an image of it. Whose site does this beautiful header belong to?


Love the new header!! Also, LOVE THE BUG BITES. So, so tasty. Yum!


I love the new header.

fo' shizzle, my nizzle

You Be*Girls are great.

and I'm hoping you saw your other man on Idol, not snoop but your other love, the love, Seal.

Amy F.

The new design is awesome! The 2 blue butterflies and the "fo' shizzle" line are perfect added touches..love it. I have not started watching Idol yet, I need to. 2 freakin' hours, crazy.


beth--you crack me up.

you let me know if you're ever ready to give up those bug bites...i'm willing to do it with you. a little bug bites anonymous. i need to, but don't want to. =)

pretty & fresh look!

looking forward to fastforwarding through AI. i could care less who wins...although i could definitely live without ever watching DA perform again.

Adventures In Babywearing

The new header is great! Love the tag line...



Love it, love it, love it.

Laura V.

I LOVE your new header. And I too noticed the butterflies and it was a beautiful addition they are! Hope your headache is getting better.

Megan (FriedOkra)

Very nice header! Hope you are enjoying American Idol, Beth!


Kelly @ Love Well

What a happy header. It's just gorgeous. You two are off to a great start.

This whole post cracked me up, by the way. Just did me in. Nice work.


Love the header!


I love it. You girls are so dern talented. The butterflies brought tears to my eyes.

I've never had a bug bite. And, I know junk food. Apparently, I'm missing out?!


What does "fo' shizzle" mean?


I love the header-sunny and light!!!

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