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September 04, 2008


Megan (FriedOkra)

I like me some Seal too, though I think your enthusiasm may overshadow mine just a little bit. Ahem. New Camera Envy, come to Mama.


Wow...I'm speechless.

All of that in one day? How did you manage to contain your excitement so you could blog?

Have fun and enjoy!

Ashley @ mrs007.net

Whoo Hoo! Good days are sweet! I love when we get packages. And speaking of packages...I hear that Seal has one in extra large. Did you hear that too?


What are the odds?????????

What a great day... now.. if only someone with an AMEX would buy you front row seats to surprise you!! That would be AWESOME!! (umm.. Sorry.. I dont have a AMEX and uhh.. I dont have any money..so it wont be me.. but maybe someone!)
I hope you're day continues with awesomeness.. Open the windows and listen to the rain.. nothing better!

Christy M.

I am SO glad you posted all of this wonderfulness!! So glad.

If I had an AMEX, I'd be calling you with the number so you could get your tickets. SMFD! I only have Visa, MC, and Discover :(

I hope you get wonderful tickets tomorrow and just think about the excellent pictures you'll be able to take at the concert with your brand new mega-camera!!!

Love all the shot of you and the kids dancing and singing to Seal. And your new furniture's not too shabby either!!


What a great day and with the possibilty of getting so much better with tickets! You deserve it! I just got the same camera... maybe even the same package and I am loving it. If I could just figure out all the bells and whistles and take it out of auto mode I know I would be loving it more but who has the time. If you figure it out 1st let me know ;)


Isn't it awesome to have a good day? I'm still anxiously waiting to see pics of the mulch...and the stones.

I'm also glad to know that we aren't the only ones who use legos as microphones.



WOW! God was seriously smiling on you today! :) Aren't these kind of days fun? Love the pics of Ariel and Racecar celebrating with you!

lil mama

Ok, so I've been checking your blog here and there for a while now but have only commented once. So I guess I'm a "lurker" as creepy as that sounds. So I thought I'd come out and say "hi" because reading this post just made me happy. Happy for you that you're having such an amazing day. You can hear it in your words. Great for you! And nice to meet ya :).

Laura H

I am so happy about your day! That is just great and it just made me smile so big reading about it.

Rhonda (Mimi)

Your excitement is spilling over on me...Oh, I will cross my fingers and toes that you get good tickets and be able to even meet him....
Nice couch! and love the microphones!
Oh, I know Steph told you my dream about you the other night. I'm waiting to see you wearing a Bug Bites necklace!
As far as Weight Watcher's....it is a great program to be on. I need to get back on it too. I am waiting on my favorite show "The Biggest Loser" to inspire me...until then...pizza and ice cream...watch out!


I can feel your excitement bubbling off of the page!! I am so happy for you! I know just what you mean about the camera, the minute I heard UPS ring the doorbell yesterday I became just giddy. MY NEW LENS!! Woo-hoo!! ;o)


Love this post and totally love the picture of Racecar SERIOUSLY jammin' out to Seal!!! You crack me up!!! I am sooo happy knowing that you are having such a GREAT day!!! I hope for many more for you!!!! Keep smiling Beth...you have a great smile!!!


I think the planets were aligned for you today, Beth!
Glad you are smiling today!


Yeah for you! I'm so glad for you, because I know how it is to have so many down days, and then have one that is so good it just blows your mind.
I'm serious (kind of) about the weight watchers thing. Can you email me and tell me where you go to your meetings. I was at the last NWI bloggy get-together, but we weren't formally introduced.


I'm smiling too now. You made my day.


Woah, girl. Go buy a lottery ticket because this? It's your day! I'm crossing everything I've got that you not only get the best seats in the house for Seal but that he somehow reads this blog and asks you to come backstage for crazy party. If that happens will you promise to remember the little people? :) Congrats on the new camera!


I love days like that! I remember waiting for my new camera to come. It was all I could do not to dry-hump the delivery man's leg!


You are so silly, you just crack me up. Yay for the fantabulous day, though!

Adventures In Babywearing

Beth- what an awesome day! And girl- you know someone we know has GOT to have connections. You must meet him!



I love that you had such a great day, you big jerk. Love it. I also love that photo of Racecar with his hand in the air.


Wow - what an awesome day for you! Congrats on all the good stuff happening! :-)


What a crazy good day! Very awesome new camera....Oh, yeah definitely gotta love Seal!


ok - mine is TOTALLY, just HAS to 2 B PRINCE - can we get them to tour at the same time?! LOL - have fun!

Mrs. Bubba

I'm so glad you had a great day and have been rained on with goodness. I hope tomorrow is a good day too.

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