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Laundry Buttons

« Help a sista out. | Main | A break »

September 02, 2008



I'm no help- I totally have a bad case of blogger's block as well. Maybe it is this cold-ass dreary weather we are experiencing today. I am downright grumpy.

I just wanted to say I love the photos!


I have had blogger block for a few weeks now, I think because the end of August is just a bad time for me.

Anyway, I love your Gnome, and check out this post to see one of my own Gnome experiences!


Mrs. Schmitty

What great pictures...the kids look like they are having a ball! That picture of the skyline is cool!


LOL...You Suck!!

Adventures In Babywearing

Now you've given me bloggers block trying to think of something for you to write about. Love your photos tho. How about reaching back into the archives of your mind and telling us a bit about your childhood- you have great stories about your big family- or talk about your high school years.



Beth, I love your blog and have sent you a little something here. Enjoy! http://enthusiastically-ellebee.blogspot.com/2008/09/you-like-me.html


Sounds like a goog weekend. I like clean bathrooms too!

I saw a list of things "20 things you still you want to do in your life" on a blog the other day. I may do it sometime this week myself...

Amy F.

What a fun and relaxing weekend you guys had :-) We all need more of those. I have GOT to get Alex to the beach sometime. Isn't that ridiculous that he hasn't swam in Lake Michigan yet? He has been there, but it's been a while.

Love the boys' tree. Thank you for sharing it with us. The bricks are a beautiful touch.

As far as what to blog about, I don't have many suggestions there. What you've been doing in your free time with the kids in school? Well, probably designing blogs, I imagine. I got nothin.'


Hi Beth,
Long time reader, first time commenter (is that a word?). Anyway, I don't want to bring up bad feelings for you, but are you ever going to share the story of when you went to buy the trees for James & Jake? I don't think I missed it & it's the first thing I thought of when you were asking for help about blogging. Then you had a picture of one of the trees so I thought it must be time for me to come out of hiding. Love your writing!!!

Sharon - MomGenerations

I have a question for you...

You know, that old "what's your STRIPPER name"?... (unless you already have one that you use)...

1. The name of the street you grew up on?
2. The name of your first pet?

My name, when I finally become a stripper, will be Longfellow Duke. Hmmm. Maybe I should have a sex-change while I'm at it. And be a porn star.


Ummm, fall decorations? That's what my blog was about today.

Your favorite blogs to visit?

Post more pictures of Katie and her goofy faces?

Got a recipe? Food is always good.


I'm with the commenter named Lindsay. I too have been lurking, and never commenting. I have however been coming back daily looking for the story about the trees. You've piqued my interest. So if it's not too painful, I'd be interested in reading about it. Meanwhile, loved the pics!

Ashley @ mrs007.net

You should make a list. It's Make a List Monday at my blog and today's list was "Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:" Love the pictures BTW.

And I have totally been threatening to break up with Wal-Mart for months. It's just not happening for me. I even shopped at Kroger the time before last. I spent about 40 bucks more though. However...the meat was red, not brown, and the fruit was fresh and not crawling with flies.

I wish we would get a Super Target near my house :( Oh Wal-Mart. You are like the boyfriend I couldn't successfully stay broken up with in high school.


I'm talking fruit flies today :-)


I'm interested in starting my own blog... Have you talked about the process?


Those beach pictures are great! Sounds like you had a nice long weekend. It seems like there's a lot of blogger's block going around lately. I wrote about Ikea today, lol. I think we need some end of summer posts.

Christy M.

I'm having blogger's block too. Sorry I can't be any help.

I'll think about it and come back later ;)


First off, I LOVE your pictures! What a great talent you have!! Can you PLEASE come and take a family photo for me that we could use for Christmas? Every year we look totally cheesy ....

Second: LOVE the tree and the stones that you have under them!! Great job Beth!! When that tree continues to flourish, it is going to bring a wealth of comfort and peace to you.

Third: Blogging ideas. Hmm ... how about, what did you feel when you sent Ariel to school for the first time ... how about Racecar. Is he in school yet? Or, when growing up, what were your fashion fads? Who were your heart throbs and poster heroes?

Thea @ I'm a Drama Mama

Depending on what day you were at the lake, I may just be in that picture of Chicago...we spent Sunday at the Shedd and the Bean.

Hmmm...blogging ideas...

What do you plan to do with your time when both kids are in school?


no ideas here...but I love your pictures.


Blogger's block strikes me daily. Even though I post three or four times a week. : )

You did great here for having nothing to write about!

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