And when I say "we" I don't mean me. I mean other people who may have lost their calenders (or their minds). I was driving around this evening with the kids and we found numerous homes with their Christmas lights turned on and their trees set up and decorated. Many. Like 15 homes. Call me "scrooge" but it seems a little soon. I love Christmas just as much as the next guy, but I love it after Thanksgiving. I find myself irritated when I see a house all decked out this early. Two houses, about 1 miles from my house, have been decorated since November 5th. No lie. Oh and this radio station, which always plays holiday music before the holidays has already begun playing ALL holiday music, all the time. Anyway...
I am back from my trip. I returned last night, very tired and not feeling very well. But it was a fantastic trip. The fact that I can go away for 2 days and sit in meetings for SO long and never grow tired and only grow more excited and more motivated just blows me away. For those not familiar with what I do, click here. We planned alot for 2007. Great ideas. so.excited. OMG. Wednesday, I arrived in my hotel room, starving to death, at 11:25pm. (I ordered room service and was eating a quesadilla at midnight) My flight was delayed 3 times. Thanks to LaGaurdia. I have never flown into said airport and I will do EVERYTHING in my power to NEVER fly from or to there again. It blows. It's awful. Dirty. Crowded. Huge fans blowing everywhere. Rude people. Hated it. On my way out last night my flight was delayed again, for the same reason, something to do with air traffic control. whatever.
Noah is sick. This morning we took both the kids to the doctor and poor little mouse has an ear infection. He's coughing in his room right now. So, that makes 2 weeks in a row that he'll miss Sunday School. I plan to take Anna in the morning, they have a Christmas program in three weeks, at least one of my kids should be prepared!
I have lots of pictures for you, I hope you enjoy it! Pinot Grigio to be exact. We had a delicious dinner at Graziellas in White Plains, NY on Thursday.
I like this picture because my friend Jenn took it. Makes it extra special.
(No flash was used, impressive, no?)
Myself with my friend and national manager, Maria.
Myself with my friends. Lois (left) and Jenn.
Myself before my very first bite of cannoli.
Myself with tiramisu.
Myself with chocolate mousse cake.
(and an extra five pounds, thank you very much.)
A favorite picture of mine taken at the hotel's bar. Good zoom.
Noah at a birthday party last Sunday.
I LOVE THIS PICTURE. This picture makes my list of Top 10 pictures taken in the past year. Noah and his cousin, Jeremy.