Well, ladies & gents, here's another edition of Friday Love Letters.
Dear Grey's Anatomy,
I have only watched the first two episodes of this season. The last thing I saw was George saying he loved Izzy...it irritated me. Is this a sign the show is over for me? I don't know. Maybe I was turned off when Izzy revived a deer on the season premiere.
Missing Preston, a little bit
Dear Tivo in my Bedroom,
Once again, you are included in my love letters. I know that I excessively record the following shows: What Not To Wear, Will & Grace and Sex and the City. What is it about those shows that makes you suggest Hip Hop Harry, The Knife Show and Vacation Home Search in the Tivo Suggestions? Can you work a little harder to pick a suggestion I may actually watch?
Tivo Lover (if I have hurt your feelings, please disregard this note, I love you.)
Dear Woman at Ariel's School,
My name is Beth. Not Dana.
Dear McDonald's,
Whose idea was it to put crack in your coffee?
Whoever it was, deserves a raise.
Caffeinated and Happy
Dear Nose,
Please stop sneezing just after I apply mascara. Two days in a row is a bit much.
Messy Eyes
Dear TLC,
Would you please start airing all new episodes of Little People, Big World and Jon and Kate plus 8 every single day forever and ever and ever?
Yours Truly,
A Little People Lover
P.S. Feel free to remove LA Ink, it's just not working for me.
Dear Everyone Who Watches Dancing With The Stars,
What is so great about this show? Is it too late to start watching it this season? What's so great about watching people dance?
Jealously Yours,
Wanting to Fit In
Dear Laundry,
Please stop multiplying. I know people say laundry won't fold itself, but I'm pretty sure you could because you are special, way specialer than most laundry. So, please, I BEG you, please fold yourself. And then put yourself away.
Hoping and praying,
Dear Husband,
When I asked you last night to please move the case of beer from the living room, did you think I said "please do not ever move the case of beer from the living room?"
Cause it's still there.
In the living room.
A case of beer.
Curious & Confused