We returned from our trip to Florida last night.
And I really want to talk about the total and complete sunshine. The warm temperatures that ranged from 75-87 degrees. The Flip Flops. The Capris. Swimsuits. The abundance of swimming pools. The tall, glorious palm trees. The wine. Going to Disney for the first time. Mickey Mouse. Donald Duck. Princesses. Walking around barefoot outside. The screened in porch. The landscaping. The relaxing.
But I can't. Not, yet. I really have the desire to complain. Because so much went wrong. So. Much. And although I don't think it's healthy to dwell in the negative, I can't ignore it. And I'm not dwelling, I'm just sayin'. So many things just plain ol' sucked and I'm going to tell you about it. Hope you don't mind. Feel free to close your browser now and check back in tomorrow.
How about a list? Would that be okay with you? Great!
1. We learned last Saturday that our Sunday morning flight to Orlando was cancelled due to weather. Our beautiful nonstop flight to Florida. We booked another flight.
2. That flight was cancelled, too.
3. We scheduled another flight that was scheduled to leave Monday morning, with a stop.
4. I fell asleep at 3am and woke up at 4:44am. We get to the airport, Monday morning after hearing reports that O'Hare is very busy, expect delays, etc etc etc. (not to mention the 2 hours it took to drive there, rather than the one hour it should have taken.) Once there, we walked past a huge line, that we learned was our line. We walked back to the back of the line, looked at eachother and thought "there is NO WAY we will make this flight." P.S. Racecar refused to walk because he's scared of any elevators or escalators or trams or trains. He even hears them...he freaks out. Irritating, I know.
5. While in line, we had 2 kids, 2 car seats, 2 pieces of kids luggage, 3 pieces of huge luggage, 3 carry ons and a purse.
6. While in line, I realize Brian accidently brought a huge piece of luggage that was actually empty. He thought I had packed it. Could be funny. But it wasn't. At all. (nobody's fault, I know) Okay, it wasn't empty, it had two more pieces of luggage inside of it. (hence the reason why Brian thought it was packed.) Don't laugh, it's not funny.
7. Plane is running late, no explanation. We board the plane and Racecar freaks out. Screaming, sweating, crying. OMG. It was a nightmare. I mean, he's three. GIVE ME A BREAK. He won't sit in his seat. Brian and I looked at eachother and were like "OMG, what are we going to do?" I honestly thought I was going to get off of the plane. Brian thought we would be kicked off, especially after reading this article. The only thing the attendants did was tell us that he must be in a seat belt when the plane moves. Thanks for helpin'! He calmed down when we moved and I distracted him with the bigger planes outside. After that, he was great.
8. Had a good layover in Charlotte, except the kids were hyper, running all over the place, Racecar acted like a dog and was licking the floor.
9. Took off from Charlotte, Racecar slept, life was good.
10. Landed in Florida and for the next day and a half, it was a great trip!
11. Tuesday night, after the most glorious vacation day ever...Ariel threw up after 11pm. Her first time ever throwing up. We blamed everything from swallowing chlorine, to eating too much. But then she did it again and again and again and again. Our longest stretch of sleep was just over an hour. Poor girl.
12. I started feeling yucky, but blamed it on the large amount of vomit I had been exposed to over the past 10 hours. She finally stopped throwing up at noon on Wednesday and then the diarrhea began.
13. Her bootie started to hurt, naturally, she didn't want to take the medicine and she was tired. She only wanted Mommy. Again...naturally.
14. Wednesday night, we decided to book (i.e. buy) a different flight out of Florida since we had already purchased our tickets for Disney. We were scheduled to depart Thursday afternoon, but now we were leaving Saturday morning.
15. Thursday, early afternoon, after a good sleep, we went to DisneyWorld. I still hadn't gotten sick, but still felt bad. Sour stomach or something, I couldn't really eat. For dinner Wednesday night I had a dinner roll at 10pm.
16. Had a good time at Disney, Ariel perked up alot, she rode on tons of rides, (the girl has no fear.) and we had cheeseburgers for lunch.
17. By the end of the day, the kids were wiped out after the 8 o'clock light parade, they were sitting in the stroller together, happily. I got out my camera, went to take a picture and Racecar had thrown up all over himself...and Ariel.
18. He threw up again.
19. Luckily, I had brought a spare pair of undies and shorts. We changed him and I cleaned up the stroller with spare pull up I had brought, Brian cleaned up what he could with diaper wipes. We made it to the car, in record time, and Racecar threw up again.
20. Got home. My diarrhea started immediately, Ariel continued to have it and Racecar continued to throw up. All I wanted to do was vomit. (is this TMI?)
21. Brian got sick. LUCKILY, Brian's mom slept with Racecar in the living room, so Brian and I could be sick and sleep. Racecar's last bout of throw up was at 4am. I did finally do it myself a few times, the final time being at 2:30am.
22. Spent the day Friday trying to keep things down, trying to drink coffee. (again, Brian's parents helped SO much. I don't know what we would have done with out them. Somehow, they didn't get sick. THANK GOD.) Ariel continued to have bouts of diarrhea.
23. We slept good Friday night, woke up, hit the road by 8 am. Flights were on time. They even had CURBSIDE CHECK-IN. HOORAY! GO ORLANDO AIRPORT! (oh, I guess this didn't deserve a number, did it?)
24. The kids were awesome. We flew to Philly. Landed, didn't switch plans, ran and ate a fast piece of pizza. Boarded back on the plane for the last time---I said to Brian "this is going to be a difficult flight, the kids are losing interest, they're tired and our laptop batteries are dying." The flight was on time! Finally. We head towards the runaway and stopped. For one hour. n.i.g.h.t.m.a.r.e.
25. Landed in Chicago. Both the kids were done. Exhausted. They both wanted to be held because their legs hurt. Anna had just whined for a solid 3 hours. Where are the margaritas????
26. Picked up our luggage, all of it. Tons of it. Walked to an elevator (remember, Racecar needs to be held) and it was broken. Had to take an escalator with 2 kids, 2 car seats, 2 pieces of kids luggage, 3 pieces of huge luggage, 3 carry ons and a purse. Ariel fell, she was fine.
27. Took 2 more escalators, then a 15 minute tram, while I held Racecar, (38 pounds) then we get to the parking lot. Paid SEVENTY EIGHT dollars in parking.
I guess it's not that bad. Now, I'm sure I could make a list just as long of the good things, and maybe I will. During the week, I tried my hardest to find the silver lining every day. And sometimes it worked. (I can assure you, THERE ARE A LOT OF SILVER LININGS!)
I did lose over five pounds. And we put the kids to bed at 8pm last night. So, we caught up on Idol! TWO SILVER LININGS RIGHT THERE!!