This past January, Brian changed his work schedule to get home from work at four, rather than almost 6:30, which means one very important thing: I lost my excuse not to exercise.
Why is he trying to ruin my life??
So, I've started exercising.
and yes, I do want to listen to you because not exercising is so freakin' easy. But last Saturday morning I woke up and decided that no matter what I did on that day, I had to go for a walk.
Last summer, I walked for exercise quite a bit and sometimes I even forced myself to run (when I really wanted to torture myself, I never did run very far) and I was very inspired by my iPod nano. I learned that if you had an iPod nano, you could purchase the Nike Plus running kit to go along with it, which contains sensors and crap (one that goes in your shoe and one that connects to your iPod) and then it will keep track of your distance, your pace and how long you ran. (in my case, I mostly walk. Unless I am running towards ice cream, than I am ALL OVER IT.) The device is genius. My sister has the same device and one bright, sunny day she challenged me through the Nike website. I was all like it's on. bring it. But I didn't bring it. And neither did she. But it was fun while it lasted.
Here's a visual I made for you to better explain how it works:
Then I got pregnant.
Then this past February I went to turn on my iPod to listen to some Snoop Dogg (fo' shizzle) and my iPod just sat there and never turned on. It was dead. So, after much investigating I bought the ridiculously sleek, the ridiculously expensive iTouch - it's awesome. It's one thing to listen to Snoop whenever I please, it's another to be able to watch his videos whenever I please. However, I lost my excitement for the iTouch just two days after I purchased it because it was then that I lost James and Jake. It sat in my purse with all of my crumpled kleenex and old Coldstone receipts.
So, this Saturday I broke out my sleek and expensive iTouch and my Nike Plus sensor, I plugged the sensor into my iTouch and guess what?
The Nike device is not compatible with the iTouch.
Which is crazy for about 1000 reasons, but mostly because I paid sixty bajillion dollars for a damn mp3 players made by the same maker (APPLE!) that makes the less expensive Nano, but the most expensive version is not compatible with the Nike device made just for Apple mp3 players??
But I NEEEEEEEEEEDED this device because it's soooooooooo motivating. I mean, how in the world would I know how long I was walking? A stopwatch? A pedometer?
How prehistoric of you.
So, Saturday night, Brian, the kids and I traveled to Target and it just so happens the 4 gig nano was on sale. Brian bought it. Apparently he's not a big fan of the belly hanging over the jeans look. whatever.
Then, Saturday night I challenged my sister Sarah to a challenge, the challenge is "who can walk the most miles in 30 days." And I was all like IT'S ON! BRING IT! and she was all like dammit.
On Sunday I was all yoga panted and sports bra'd up when I plugged in my Nike device to my new iPod and the Nike device was dead. I was totally pissed. Which means I had to buy new Nike sensors, because there is no battery replacing in these things. I'm spending all of this money on exercising, how in the hell was I going to afford all of my ice cream?
I hopped in my minivan and drove to Target, bought the device, came home, walked and downloaded my walk stats by plugging in my new nano into my computer. My sister walked, too. Then the next day, she walked before work, which is way more dedicated then me, if I had to walk in the morning, I would be like SURPRISE! YOU WON!! But we have been neck and neck each day. It's awesome because I'm going to win (yes I am) and it's awesome because we are totally exercising, you know, like the amount recommended by doctors and stuff. Just last week I was sitting in my doctor's office watching some WebMd show and they were saying something crazy like "it is recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes, five times a week." Which is totally ludicrous if you ask me, but you know, I'm not a doctor. I'm just lazy.
Until now. Now I'm going to walk EVERYDAY for many hours a day because I must win. and now my other sister is in on the challenge and my mother and soon you will be able to see our progress on my sidebar. Aren't you excited?
I am.
It's on. Bring it.
Unless I lose, then we'll just pretend I never mentioned anything.